Complete package with Goldstrike® Longlife® XLR8™

The S&W Seed Company premium lucerne varieties include the Goldstrike® Longlife® XLR8™ seed treatment so growers can use a full range of technologies to enhance crop establishment and help maximise yields.

Goldstrike® Longlife® XLR8™ includes a micronutrient package, fungicide, and Poncho® Plus insecticide as well as an assurance on the long-term viability of the beneficial bacteria added with the rhizobia inoculation process.

Extended Rhizobia life in Goldstrike® Longlife® XLR8™

The benefits of rhizobia as part of the seed treatment are well known to help lucerne plants establish and then fix nitrogen through nodulation. Goldstrike® Longlife® XLR8™ contains live rhizobia bacteria and the technology used means S&W offer extended storage life of up to 12 months on a bag of lucerne seed.

A micronutrient package that includes Phosphorous, Potassium, Zinc, Iron, Nitrogen, Manganese, Sulphur, Boron, Magnesium, Copper and Molybdenum is also included in the seed treatment stage.

Disease and insect control with Goldstrike® Longlife® XLR8

Goldstrike® Longlife® XLR8™ is designed to promote successful crop establishment by protecting the establishing plants from being attacked by disease and insect pests.

Each seed is treated with a powerful systemic seed treatment fungicide which controls the fungal disease pythium irregulare, which can cause damping-off. Damping off can cause significant damage in emerging lucerne crops and the protection of the fungicide helps minimize this risk, leading to better seedling establishment and healthier plants.

Poncho® Plus insecticide is also included in Goldstrike® Longlife® XLR8 with a film coat applied around the seed as part of the XLR8™ process, offering added establishment vigour in the early growth stages of the lucerne plant. The two compounds of imidacloprid and clothianidin combine to provide protection against Redlegged Earth Mites (RLEM), Cutworm and Lucerne Flea.

Establishment Guarantee®

At S&W seed company we are so confident in our seed genetics and the quality of our proprietary products, we will replace seed at half the original purchase price if it fails to establish satisfactorily.

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