Chomper Forage Sorghum

Sorghum x Sudan grass hybrid

Forage Sorghum

Chomper is a sorghum x Sudan grass hybrid variety


  • Large seed size
  • Good early season vigour and quick regrowth after cutting or grazing
  • High leaf to stem ratio


  • Suitable for grazing, hay, haylage and greenchop

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Large seed size, good emergence and seedling vigour

Quick to first cut or grazing due to growth rate

Potential to obtain multiple cuts or grazing even with later season plantings

Flexibility of Chomper allows the use for grazing, hay and greenchop with either sheep or cattle

Product Description

  • Seed Agronomy Table
  • Seed Treatment
  • Enterprises For This Seed
  • Strengths
  • Limitations
  • Temperature
  • Management
  • Animal Production
  • Establishment Guarantee

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